Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Goodbye Taos!

Today was my last day in my home for the past 10 years, Taos, New Mexico. And what a day it was.

First, I oversaw the marriages of a dozen LGBT couples today, including the one of the PFLAG-Taos President, Barbara Sheppard and her now wife, Jean-Vi Lenthe. My job was to be the ring bearer, and witness, so my name is affixed to their marriage certificate. As my dad read the script for their marriage, I couldn't help but grin from ear to ear because it made me so happy watching these two wonderful people pledge their eternal love for each other.

After the ceremonies, I went to Anna Walters' house and visited her puppy Lara (yes, Lara from Dr. Zhivago). We went just to check up on Lara before lunch and a visit with friends.

We left Anna's house around 10:30 and arrived at Taos High School around 10:50. I showed her around the school and introduced her to the Sponsor of our GSA, Ms.Paul.

We promptly left THS and went to Old Martina's Hall, where we had a celebratory lunch. We were celebrating the new married couples. I ordered a crab eggs benedict (on Anna's recommendation), which was amazing. At 1pm Mountain Time, we had a moment of silence to stand in solidarity with the activists in Washington D.C., who were celebrating MLK Jr.'s "I Have a Dream," speech, and the March on Washington.

At 1:25, I wished my goodbyes to Barbara, Jean-Vi, and Anna Walters. Then I went to visit my self- appointed mother, Cat Bennett (who was my speech coach before her appointment) and we had an excellent conversation about her travels to Europe and the East Coast. I informed her of the drama happening at Taos High School (she was a teacher, but retired last year).

After I said my goodbyes to my self-appointed mommy, I ran errands, went home, and got ready to leave tomorrow.

I still can't believe that tomorrow I leave for college. I mean, considering that I was born to drug-addicted parents and put into the foster care system, I really shouldn't be here. Also, as an ADHD person, I shouldn't be here (only 8% of us go to college). But you know, I've never really fit into society's standards, so what the hell, might as well keep breaking the statistics because as my friend from GSA says: "YOLO!"

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