Sunday, March 30, 2014

Carleton Update I

Hi All!

So, I've been spending this time (spring break) visiting family. I have had an excellent trip, and saw my dad, and my family back in Ohio for the first time in a while!

I saw my grandma, who is 87 and recovering from breaking her hip on Christmas. She is doing very well, and although she's confined to a walker, she's still living big. She is traveling around, and was tickled pink when she walked through the grocery store only using the cart. It was super cute.

My aunts are doing well too. My Aunt Susan seems very happy at her job, and has recovered nicely from her accident several years back. Gotta love technology, huh, Aunt Susan? My Aunt Cindi looks amazing after her heart surgery. I honestly cannot believe that after 6 months she is running around like a normal person again after being at death's door.

I also saw my dad, who is doing really well. He loves his judicial job, and is apparently super proud of me! So yeah! Probably the most memorable bit of our two day escapade to Pittsburgh was seeing the Phipps Conservatory (know that's spelled wrong).

Have some pics!
Some flowers at Phipps.

The sunset on the last day of classes for Winter Term.

Homemade baking to start spring term with!
Doesn't she look so happy and healthy for 88 and 3 months after hip surgery?
Here's me playing the piano for my aunt.
Aunt Susan. She saved my butt at the airport. 
Doesn't my Aunt Cindi look incredible for someone who had heart surgery 4 months ago?

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