Sorry for such a quick post, but I figured that I should shared everything I know about my Carleton experience so far.
First off is my class schedule. I am taking Spanish 101 (because I have an incredibly weak vocabulary from going to an online school my freshman year), Poli-Sci 170 (International Relations), Environmental Science 100 (Science, Technology, and Public Policy), PE 173 (Basics of Swimming), MUSC 150 (Intro Lessons for Piano), and IDSC 198 (Colloquium Discussion, complements my ENTS 100 class). These classes will keep me busy
Second is my advisor, Deborah Gross. She is a teacher in the Chemistry Department of Carleton, which is excellent because I really enjoy Chemistry and may major in it. She has been very helpful in guiding me (even before school starts), and for that I'm thankful!
Thirdly is my mailing address. If you want to contact me, my new address (starting August 29th, when we leave) will be: Raul Noguera-McElroy, 300 North College Street, Northfield, MN 55057. I would love you forever if you send me cards and communications so I can keep in contact!
Fourthly, my campus job is Dining Services Assistant, AKA Lunch Lady. Although, this isn't my preferred job, I know that plenty of people would kill to have a job that pays; furthermore, I do not mind serving my peers because it helps me pay for college, an opportunity not many can afford in this economy. I could do a lot worse off, so I plan on being thankful for the opportunities serving cafeteria food will provide me.
Fifthly, I know who my roommate is! He is a super cool guy from Shenzen, China, in a southern province. He's probably going to go into math or computer science, which is the opposite of me; I avoid math (at least calc) like the plague. He plays chess like I do, and I hope we get to play a lot at Carleton, we'll see. Oh, and he knows I'm gay and is okay with it; so extra awesome points for him!
Finally, and most importantly, my first year is PAID FOR! Between the $8,500 in scholarships, $4,500 in loans, and $2,250 in work study, I paid for myself! AW YEAH!
Anyways, have a picture of my schedule. Another to come later!
My Schedule! I'm taking 21 credits (the limit is 22), and a normal schedule is 18, because as a good friend from GSA puts it: "YOLO." |
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